Founded by Denise Hopkins in 2002, RepHeads originated as a photographers only rep agency. Since then it has grown into so much more. RepHeads helps guide and manage the careers of videographers, photographers, food stylists, set designers, hair & make-up artists, prop stylists and fashion stylists through strategic marketing and social media. We are also thrilled to offer full service production teams, casting and location scouting.
We are a collection of highly-skilled individuals who believe in ourselves and believe that our passion and creativity are enhanced by the energy of our united efforts. We believe that vision creates the journey in both life and in our work and that the power of teamwork and strong relationships are the key to continued growth in the industry today. This innovative spirit inspires us to approach each day with a thoroughly modern and fresh perspective.
Our goal is simply to provide each of our creatives a career custom tailored to their particular strengths and goals. From photography to the world of food art to the amazing stylists who breathe personality into the shots, we are continually inspired by these incredible people.